Quintus Miller

Quintus Miller
Quintus Miller

Quintus Miller, born 1961 in Aarau. Studied architecture at the ETH Zurich. Diploma 1987 at the ETH Zurich. Since 1994 permanent collaboration with Paola Maranta in Basel. 2000-2001 Professeur invité at the EPF Lausanne. 2004-2008 Member of the Urban Planning Commission of the City of Lucerne. 2005-2017 Member of the Monument Preservation Commission of the City of Zurich and 2011-2021 Member of the Monument Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt. 2005-2010 Member of the Commission for Fine Arts of the municipality of Riehen. 2007-2008 Visiting professor at the Accademia di Architettura of the Università della Svizzera Italiana. 2008-2010 Guest lecturer at the ETH Zurich. From 2009 full professor at the Accademia di Architettura of the Università della Svizzera italiana.

Image source: Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio, Fotogafie Alberto Canepa

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