
Realignment of the architecture prize: New categories and higher total amount

The renowned architecture prize, which has been awarded every four years since 1977, presents itself in a new guise in its 13th edition. With a comprehensive reorientation, current developments and trends in building culture are to be given greater consideration.

What's new?

Expanded categories and special prize:
The Concrete Prize, which was previously awarded exclusively for building construction, now also includes a category for infrastructure construction. The former sponsorship prize will no longer be awarded. Instead, the jury can now award a special prize for a building that uses concrete as a building material in a particularly surprising, technically innovative or creative way.

Prize money: The total amount of prize money is CHF 70,000. This increase is intended to provide additional incentives for outstanding achievements in architecture and civil engineering.

The tried and tested jury process remains a key component of the prize. "We rely on our many years of experience in judging and emphasize the importance of seeing the projects on site," explains Patrick Suppiger, Managing Director of BETONSUISSE. After an initial online selection, the jury meets in person. In addition, a jury trip takes place during which the nominated projects are visited on site and evaluated in detail. This comprehensive evaluation process ensures that the jury can make informed decisions by directly experiencing the realized projects and closely examining the details.

Patrick Suppiger is proud of the new direction: "We have adapted the traditional award to today's views on building culture. We also want to give more weight to the engineers. Structural engineering is becoming increasingly important. I am delighted with the projects submitted and look forward to the exciting discussions within the jury as well as numerous creative submissions."

With this reorientation, the architecture prize is setting an example for innovation and sustainability and offers a platform for recognizing outstanding achievements in various areas of architecture. The new categories and prize money reflect the desire to recognize established architects and engineers as well as their interdisciplinary working methods. These changes underline the sponsors' commitment to promoting current and forward-looking projects and making a lasting impact on building culture. The proven methods of jury work continue to ensure the highest quality and transparency in the evaluation process, further strengthening the significance of the award.


Realignment of the architecture prize: New categories and higher total amount
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