Award ceremony

The award ceremony offers a high-quality communication platform for companies that target civil engineers, architects, universities and clients. Sponsors are prominently integrated into the event.

Experience the award ceremony for the best buildings in the field of structural engineering and infrastructure! Look forward to an inspiring evening with exciting discussions, visionary projects and outstanding award winners.

  • Date: Thursday, June 12, 2025, 6:00 pm
  • Location: Zurich

Secure your place now - the number of participants is limited!

Prov. program:

  • 17.30: Door opening to the award ceremony
  • 18.00 hrs: Welcome by Betonsuisse and guest speech
  • 18.20 hrs: Jury talk
  • 6.30 pm: Presentation of the winners and the award winners
  • 7.30 p.m.: Closing words and thanks from Betonsuisse
  • 7.35 pm: Apéro riche and networking
  • 21.30 hrs: Closing of the doors

Moderation: Tobias Müller (SRF Einstein)

Tobias Müller

First name

Please note that photos and videos will be taken during the event and may be used for communication purposes.

Additional participants (up to 3 persons possible)
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